
Different From Here

Armor Up!

by | Nov 12, 2019

Ephesians 6

In this chapter we are presented with the exhortation to “Put on the whole armor of God”. The first thing I notice in this passage is that the armor belongs to God, not to us. He is the one providing the armor to us for our protection. Can you imagine trying to protect yourself against the devil using your own armor?

The primary reason we need the armor is to defend ourselves against a spiritual attack. The armor is defined by the moral characteristics in our lives providing spiritual protection from the enemy. These characteristics are: Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Faith, Salvation, Word of God and Prayer. When these are the features of our lives, we are better prepared to stand up to the enemy.

James tells us to resist the devil, and he will flee from you. The best way to resist the devil, is to be prepared for his attack. Don’t think that putting the armor on once a week is going to protect you. We are in a daily battle, which means we have to armor up daily!

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