Men’s Ministry
Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
-Proverbs 27:17
Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Ministry is designed to help meet the spiritual needs of the men of CCFH. Through worship, study, prayer, and fellowship, this ministry helps men grow in their relationship with the Lord and with each other. As men grow in their relationship with the Lord, they will have a godly impact on their families, workplace and community.
As men grow in their relationship with each other it gives them the strength to hold each other up during times of struggle.

Men’s Bible Study
The strength of men is one of the most important bedrocks at Calvary Chapel Fountain Hills. It is our goal to strengthen one another in the Word of God, while also encouraging each other in the teachings of Jesus and supporting each other in prayer.
We hope you will join us for our Winter Men’s Bible Study! All men are welcome.
Topic: Colossians
Leader: Pastor Rick
Next Study: April 2, 2025