
Different From Here

The LORD Said

by | Nov 19, 2019

Acts 9

Have you ever heard from the Lord? Some people hear an audible voice. Others just know the Lord has spoken, through His word, or through another person. Either way, when God speaks, we should listen!

Saul was on his way to harass and arrest the Christians in Damascus, bringing them back to Jerusalem to be placed in prison, and put on trial. Jesus meets Saul outside of Damascus in the form of a bright light. Saul was sure he was doing the will of God arresting and putting Christians to death. That is until Jesus shines the light on him…literally! Jesus asks Saul why he is persecuting Him. Saul responds with a question, “Who are you, Lord?” Saul knew that the Lord was speaking with him, and then when he finds out it is Jesus speaking to him, he asks: “Lord, what do You want me to do?” Good question!

Shortly after Jesus speaks to Saul, He speaks to a disciple in a vision. He calls him by name, “Ananias.” Ananias responds to the Lord with, “Here I am, Lord.” We aren’t sure if Ananias had heard from the Lord in a similar manner before, or if this was the first time, but his response shows that he was listening! In v.11 we are told: “So the Lord said to him…”. The implication is that BECAUSE Ananias was listening, the Lord was speaking.

Are we expecting to hear the Lord speak to us? How often has the Lord spoken to us but we missed it because the music was too loud…or the TV was distracting us? I believe it is important to spend quiet time before the Lord, so when He speaks, we will be able to hear His still, small voice. Keep a journal nearby to record what He speaks to your heart.

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