Women’s Ministry
Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
-2 Peter 3:18
Women’s Ministy
Calvary Chapel Fountain Hills Women’s Ministry is dedicated to encouraging women of all ages in their walk with the Lord. Whether it be through our ladies Bible study or events. It is our prayer that all women would learn what it means to apply the Word of God in their daily lives, develop their gifts and callings, make strong and lasting friendships while individually becoming all that the Lord desires.
We do our utmost as a ministry to encourage women to invest in others’ lives through prayer and loving support of one another through each season of life. Our heart’s desire is that 2 Peter 3:18 be lived out in women’s lives as they “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Women’s Bible Study
Life can bring times when we feel like a failure. Where do you run in times of need? When everyday life or the struggles of the world overtake you, where do you go to recharge? Calvary Chapel’s Women’s Bible Study is a great place to build a foundation before the storms come. We meet twice each month to share, encourage and grow in God’s Word and Truth.
Bible Study: Colossians
Leader: Cheryl Ponzo
Next Study: Lesson 3